Website Administrator 

The website administrator is responsible for the planning and execution of all activities associated with the Association’s website. The administrator:

  • Serves as the liaison with the Association’s website provider for all website needs; 
  • Maintains current information on the website about the Association; 
  • Constructs an annual budget proposal for website maintenance and updates; 
  • Collaborates with the training and conference committee to ensure online registration module is available to members for upcoming events; 
  • Coordinates with membership to ensure the online application is available each membership cycle; 
  • Coordinates with development to ensure all vendor/partner logos are available for the website; 
  • Provides a quarterly report of activities to the secretary and president prior to Council meetings and an annual report prior to the annual meeting;
  • Completes other duties as identified.


  • Rich Neilsen, Granite Edvance

Volunteer Today!
Members are encouraged to participate in the association to ensure NHASFAA capitalizes on the collective knowledge of our membership to remain a leader in engaging, educating and empowering financial aid professionals in New Hampshire. 

To get involved, please send an email to for additional information